Strategy & Tactics: Flashback Note: This is a complete walkthrough for Flashback Paradise Club From your starting point outside the Paradise Club, go right one screen and take out the probe that attacks you. There's another probe up top, but it won't come after you yet. Go back to the left. You'll want to destroy the droid on the middle platform without getting hit or caught in the subsequent explosion. Climb up and draw your gun immediately, kneel, fire, and then roll forward, off the platform. The droid will explode. Climb up to the top level, draw your gun, and wait. The probe will come after you now. After you've dispatched it, make a running jump off the right side of the platform, which will leave you hanging on a platform on the screen to the right. Climb up and make another running jump to the right. Shoot the glass pane at the right of the screen, draw your gun, and walk off screen to the right. You'll be attacked by a probe and a droid. Take out the droid first and then the probe. The trigger switch will raise the elevator. Take the elevator down and draw your gun immediately so you'll be ready to start firing at the next probe. Go one screen to the right. A cyborg will climb up to your level and attack. If you shoot him, he'll fall back to the ground and play dead. You can either go down after him, or walk off screen to the left and back on screen, which will reactivate him. Drop down and destroy the bottom probe, then take the elevator up, climb up to the short blue platform (it doesn't look like a platform, but it is), turn and fire at the glass, then destroy the upper probe. Pick up the key the probe was guarding. Drop down to the ground and go one screen to the right. You'll be attacked by a cyborg, a probe, and a droid. As always, take out the droid first, then the cyborg, then the probe. Go two screens to the right. Use the key on the key lock, then take the elevator up and destroy the probe. Go left one screen. The cyborg will come down and attack you. Once you've killed him, if you need to recharge your shields, then take the right elevator up. Otherwise take the left elevator up and go one screen to the left. You'll be attacked immediately by a droid, so be prepared to kneel, fire, and roll away to avoid the resulting explosion. Use the switch, then go back one screen to the right. Be aware that the blue camera in your path sets off an automatic gun back one screen to the right, so you'll want to roll onto that screen. Take the elevator down to the ground, then take the rightmost elevator down one screen. Take out the droid and then the probe, and then save your game. Jump up to the short blue platform, and then wait a moment. Part of the left wall will move aside and an elevator will come up to you. This elevator will take you down two screens, where you'll immediately be attacked by a probe, so be prepared. Climb up two levels, step on the trigger that opens the door on the right, and walk one screen to the right. You'll have to drop down one level to use the switch below. You can avoid the exploding mouse by jumping to the far right. Use the switch. Wait until the mouse is at the left side of its pattern and then climb back up, and go back a screen to the left. Climb up one level to the screen above, and walk one screen to the right. You’ll be attacked immediately by two probes, and the doors at either side will be sealed until the probes are destroyed. A cyborg will also attack once you’ve destroyed the probe that’s linked to the right door. Once you’ve destroyed everything, pick up the key you’ll find. Climb up two levels and use the switch at the right. Climb back down to the bottom level, go one screen to the left, climb down one screen, drop to the ground, and go one screen to the right. Use the key on the key lock, but be aware that there’s a probe hiding just on the other side of the door. Recharge your shields if necessary, and take the elevator up. Walk one screen to the right, and climb up one level. Getting to the save terminal is a little tricky. Take one step forward, kneel, and roll. If you fall through both trap doors, be prepared to take out the droid, and you can go one screen to the right, up, and back left to try again. Use the switch to turn off the disintegrator, then go one screen to the right and recharge your shields if necessary, come back and save your game. Drop down one screen through the gap at left. Use the switch, and go one screen to the right. Pick up the key you’ll find. You can go back the way you came from the save buffer. There’s a droid hiding down on the first level, but you can ignore it if you like. From the screen with the save terminal, go one screen to the right and use the key on the key lock. Climb up one level and go one screen to the right. You’ll be attacked by a cyborg, though he may run off screen to the right. Go one screen to the right, where you’ll be attacked by two probes, with a cyborg on the third level. If you move all the way to the right, the cyborg may drop down to the second level, exploding the bomb there and saving you some trouble soon to come. Once you’ve dispatched everything, it’s a very good idea to back to the save terminal and save your game. If the cyborg didn’t explode the bomb, you’ll have to take a standing jump over it. The instant you do, a roving disintegrator field will turn on behind you, so you’ve got to do this quickly. Run one screen to the right, make a standing jump over the first bomb, jump over the gap, take a step or two forward, make a standing jump over the second bomb, walk to the edge of the screen and draw your gun before stepping off screen, where you’ll immediately be attacked by a probe. Destroying the probe will open the door, and you’ll have to roll out to the right. Phew! Now sit back and enjoy the film. PARADISE CLUB (Code: KIMO) The first thing you’ll notice is that your gun is missing. The second thing you’ll notice is that you’re being attacked by two cyborgs. Run off screen to the right. Duck if you have to, but you’ll probably take at least one hit. Remember that you’re temporarily invulnerable after taking a hit. On the next screen, drop down and immediately use the save terminal, then pick up your gun and dispatch the cyborgs. Pick up the key one of them will drop. Go one screen to the right and use the key in the key lock. Climb up the platform on the left and use the switch. Drop back down, climb up the platform on the right. To avoid being hurt by the exploding mouse: start the jump to the mouse’s level just as it makes its turn from left to right, climb up, jump up to the next level. The mouse may explode, but you shouldn’t be harmed by it if you’re in the process of a jump. Climb up to the screen above. Here you’ll find four disintegrators operating on a timed circuit. Wait for the chance to move all the way to the right. Move within one step of the short middle platform, and wait for the nearest disintegrator. Just as it disappears, step in, jump up, and jump up again. Move left immediately. Go one screen to the left. Climb up to the level with the disintegrator. You’ll need to take out the lower cyborg first. Walk within one step of the disintegrator and draw your gun. The upper cyborg is toggling the disintegrator field by passing through two separate trigger switches (the one on the left is hidden). Wait until he reaches the right switch, and take three steps left, drop down and kill the lower cyborg. Pick up the telecontrol and the telereceiver. Climbing back up requires watching the upper cyborg again. Climb up again, kill the upper cyborg, and pick up the key you’ll find. You may have to chase him a bit, but you can just ignore him if you prefer. If you need to recharge your shields, there’s an energy generator one screen below, otherwise go back one screen to the right. Move within two steps of the upper disintegrator field and then toss the telereceiver off screen to the right and then use the telecontrol. You should reappear on the second level of the screen to the right. Drop down and kill the droid. Use the key on the key lock. Throw the telereceiver down the hole to the right. Two probes will attack you. Be aware that as soon as you move left, the blue camera at left will trigger a roving disintegrator zone on the very spot you’re standing on, so if you move left you’re committed. Alternately, you can move right, drop the telereceiver, move left to trigger the disintegrator, and teleport back to the right of the screen. There won’t be another disintegrator. If you want to recharge your shields or save your game, you can take the elevator at right up to the area you just left. Otherwise, go one screen to the left, and drop down one screen below. Avoid the trigger switch for now, and go one screen to the left, where you’ll need to take out a droid. Go back right and use the trigger switch, which will open the first door, releasing the blue alien. The aliens are tough, but follow a definite attack pattern with certain recognizable variants. First off, the aliens can jump from floor to ceiling, but only the height of one level. You always want to fight the aliens where they can reach a ceiling, because fighting them in the open is much harder. Draw your gun, kneel, and be ready to roll, turn, and fire. Since you can’t shoot the aliens in their shapeless mode, you have to wait for them to take form. As they come towards you, roll in their direction and beyond them. Usually, they’ll take form at this point. Turn and fire. If they don’t take form, but instead come towards you again, just keep rolling towards and past them until they do give you an opportunity to fire. If you wait too long after they’ve taken form, they will fire upon you. Once you’ve defeated this first alien, the right door will open. Go one screen to the right. You’ll immediately be attacked by another alien. Kill him and drop down to the floor, where you’ll be attacked by another alien. Once you’ve killed them, go two screens to the left and save your game. Climb up one level, step on the trigger switch to open the door, go left one screen. Here, you’ll trigger two roving disintegrator zones which will come towards you. Go back right and stand next to the door. The disintegrator zones will keep coming at you, but turn around just short of the door. Once they do, follow them back left, jump to the first of the two middle platforms, and throw the telereceiver. Once the disintegrators turn around again, use the telecontrol, which will bring you one screen to the left. Climb up and over the short platform, and stand beneath the big blue device, which is a teleporter. Enjoy the film. MORPH (Code: LEDUX) From your starting point, go one screen to the right. Kill the alien that attacks you. Go one screen to the right. There will be an alien at the top of the screen, but you can go back a screen to the left and lure him down to you. Climb up two levels and go right a screen. Use the switch. Go right another screen and recharge your shields if necessary. You might want to leave your telereceiver next to the energy generator. Go left three screens, drop down to the ground, go right one screen, climb up and take the elevator down. Climb down but be aware that the floating eye will set off an automatic gun at the right, but the gun only fire when the eye is actually looking at you. Drop down to the screen below, where you’ll immediately be attacked by three aliens. Your best chance to defeat them quickly is to drop down to the ground level, and fight them beneath the middle platform. If your shields drop uncomfortably low, you can use the telecontrol to teleport back to the energy generator, pick up the telereceiver, throw it down the elevator shaft, teleport down, bring the elevator up, drop the telereceiver, bring the elevator back down fight until your shields are almost gone, etc. Once you’ve defeated them all, go to the rightmost part of the screen and pick up the stone you’ll find, then go left one screen, and place the stone on the leftmost trigger switch, which will keep the door open above. Leave the mouse alone, because the switch it’s triggering is preventing a disintegrator from turning on near the door. Go left one screen. Climb up one level and use the switch. Climb down to the ground and shoot the door at the left. Use the switch and draw your gun, as an alien will attack immediately after. Kill the alien, climb up, and walk to the man. Go left one screen - you’ll have to roll left. You’ll be attacked by an alien. The best spot to fight him is at the platform at top right. You may take a hit getting up there, but it’s nearly impossible to beat him anywhere else on the screen. Once you’ve killed him, raise the elevator by tripping the right trigger switch. Jump over the left switch, which sends the elevator back down, and pick up the diary and read it. Now is a good time to go back and recharge your shields, if necessary. Take the elevator down one screen. Make a running jump to the lower right platform, then draw your gun, wait until the alien creature is at the left side of the screen, drop down, and shoot it. Use the switch, and drop down to the screen below. Go one screen to the right, where you will immediately be attacked by an alien. Run back a screen to the left and fight him there, otherwise you risk being thrown down the hole. Recharge your shields if necessary, and go back to the right a screen. There’s a second alien on the far side of the screen, but you can take him out without going to him. Just stand at the edge of the platform and keep firing. Once he’s dead, make a running jump up to the high middle platform. The eye will open the center door and raise the elevator. Take the elevator down to the screen below, where you’ll be immediately attacked by an alien. Kill it and climb down one screen and hang. Another alien will come after you. Additionally, there’s an alien creature on the platform below you. Unfortunately, this obnoxious creature can be ridiculously hard to kill, so you’re better off luring the alien up to the screen above to kill it. Then climb back down and drop down to the save terminal, saving your game before trying to kill the creature. Go left one screen and pick up the stone you find. Climb to the top level and go left another screen. Drop down to the trigger switch (avoiding the bomb), and roll through the door to the level below. Kill the alien and then go right a screen, pick up the key you’ll find, and go as far right as you can, where a teleporter will bring you back to the level above. Retrace your steps back up to the last energy generator, and recharge your shields if necessary. Go three screens to the right and use the key on the key lock. MORPH (Code: MORDO) Use the save terminal to save your game. Make a running jump up to the elevator, take the elevator up, and kill the two aliens which will immediately attack you. Climb up to the very short platform on the right and pick up the two exploding mice (don’t worry, they won’t blow up now). Climb up to the top level of the screen above. There are two falling bombs here, and you have a couple of ways to avoid them. One is to throw the telereceiver down and teleport past them. The other is to place an exploding mouse on the ground, which will trigger the two falling bombs. Be careful though, because it will come back at you. Jump over it and climb down to ground level. Get on the second level and go right one screen. Before you get on the elevator, drop your telereceiver, then take the elevator up two screens. The elevator will trigger the switch at left that sets off the automatic gun above. Use the terminal switch at right to send the elevator back down and stop the gun. Alternately, you can climb up while the gun is firing, but you risk taking a hit. Go left a screen. There’s an alien at the bottom of the screen, but you can’t fight him down there. Climb down to the second level and hang above the first level until you get the alien’s attention, then quickly climb back up to the top level, and jump the gap to the left, which is the best location to fight this alien. Once you’ve killed him, drop down to the ground and use the switch. If you need to recharge your shields, climb back up, go left a screen, take the elevator down, go right a screen, and use the energy generator. Use the telecontrol to teleport back down to where you left the telereceiver. You’ll have to fight the two aliens who have been released when the door below was opened by one of the switches above. Kill them both and pick up the key one of them drops. Use the key in the key lock (you may have two at this point, so try the second if the first doesn’t work). Climb up and take the elevator up a screen, climb up another screen, and save your game at the save terminal. Be careful walking onto the screen to right, as there’s a disintegrator field two steps in. There are also two others to the right. There’s an electronic mouse on the top level, which briefly turns off each field, so stand by each field, and wait for your chance to walk across. Take the elevator down a screen. Use the key in the key lock. You can avoid being hurt by the creature you find here, if you draw your gun, and drop right on top of it. Keep kneeling and wait for it to move far enough from you to fire at it. Drop down and bring the elevator up, which will trigger the two bombs. Throw the telereceiver down the hole at right and use the telecontrol. You’ll immediately be attacked by an alien, while a gun fires from the left and a bomb launcher fires from above. Kill the alien first, and try to stay out of range of the launcher above. Once you’ve killed the alien, shoot at the revolving sphere at the left several times, until it blows up, when the door in the floor will open. Throw the telereceiver down the hole (you’ll have to stand at the very left edge of the screen) and use the telecontrol. Go six screens to the left (you can save and recharge your shields along the way, if necessary). Take the right elevator up a level, and the left elevator down a long way. Use the save terminal to save your game. Drop the telereceiver by the save terminal and go one screen to the right. You’ll be attacked by three aliens, but these aliens only take one hit apiece. Once you’ve killed them all, climb up the left platform and shoot the organ at the center of the screen. Now jump down, kill the next batch of three aliens, and shoot the organ from the right platform. You’ll need to shoot the organ about three times from each side, after which the aliens will stop coming. Use the telecontrol to teleport back left one screen. Climb two levels and use the trigger switch to open the door. You can take the elevator back up to recharge your shields if necessary. From the screen with the dead organ, go right one screen. Use the switch and take the elevator up. Beware of the roving bomb launcher above you. Go right one screen, drop down two levels, take the elevator up and pick up the exploding mouse. An alien will appear at the left of the screen. Take the elevator down and fight him at the bottom right. Pick up the key he drops and use it in the key lock. Take the left elevator down one screen, and go one screen to the right, where two aliens will be waiting for you. Once you’ve killed them, walk one screen to the right. Throw the telereceiver past the disintegrator fields and use the telecontrol. Pick up the telereceiver and throw it back to the left. Walk to the right side of the screen and listen to the voice. Drop the atomic charge there. Use the switch. The bomb will drop and a timer will begin counting down (check your inventory to see how many seconds you have remaining). Use the telecontrol. Don’t waste time picking up the telereceiver, just run. Two screens left, take the elevator up one screen, climb up two levels, go left a screen, take the elevator down, go left a screen, go left another screen (you might want to save your game now), take the elevator up, take the right elevator down, run a screen to the right (notice that parts of the ground will fall away - hurry up!), run another screen right, jump across the gap, run two more screens to the right, jump the gap, run another screen right, climb up and over the platform, run another screen right, and another screen right, and finally, you’re standing beneath the escape ship. There’s a hidden elevator beneath the landing leg of the ship. Stand a little to the right of the leg and go up. That’s it! You’ve won! Enjoy the movie and wait for the sequel. FIN (Code: OPAQUE)